samedi 6 octobre 2012

Links compilation n°2

And here is a new list of links that interested me recently:

  • Twitter: an article describing all the open source stack used at Twitter. A lot of classic and robust technologies like MySQL and Memcached and some other that was developped by Twitter like Zipkin and Scalding.
  • The code player : a very cool website showing how to create effects from scratch using html 5, css 3, Javascript... For example : how to make an accordian style slider in CSS3 ?
  • Javascript: a collection of JavaScript book to learn a lot of things about Javascript, CoffeeScript...
  • RSS: I love RSS feed, I find that it is a convenient way to learn things and be notified when new article are posted without having to go to that site every hour. But sometimes the RSS feed is uncomplete. That site can help you : Full text RSS feed. I can not live without it !

That's all for this time, folks !

mardi 14 août 2012

Export Spotify Playlist to CSV


Today, I wanted to export my Spotify playlist to a classic CSV file. I needed it because I like to keep my data offline (we never know...).

Step 1: Google !  I found a couple of links like this one or that one but it was not what I was looking for. So...

Step 2: do it myself ! When you copy/paste HTTP URL (select all your songs and then right clik, copy HTTP URL) you got a big line with http uri. So I just did a "GET" on it to see what I got back.

It was an HTLM page with all the data that I wanted (title, artist and album name) so I wanted to parse that page.

To do that I used a great script "PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser" and I was able to get all the data needed !

You can get the source code here:

It's very easy to use:
  1. Copy/paste your playlist in a text file, you have got a big ugly line and a text file called input.txt (for example...)
  2. Use the script: php -f dlSpotify.php input.txt output.csv
  3. Tadaaa ! output.csv is a CSV-file, with tabulation separation. Column 1 is the track title, Column 2 the artist(s) and Column 3 the album title.
Enjoy !

mercredi 13 juin 2012

Links compilation n°1

And here is the list of links that interested me recently:

  • Mysql: when we migrate from MyISAM to InnoDB, the same question always pop up: what to do with select(*) query ? Shinguz has the answer !
  • Chrome: how chrome prefetch internet page before you press enter.
  • Doom 3: an incredible work by Fabien Sanglard who made a complete source code review of idTech4 engine.
  • The C10K problem: " It's time for web servers to handle ten thousand clients simultaneously". Nice idea, hard challenge. This link help us to know how to do it.